Webster's English Dictionary

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1. im.plant \im-'plant\ \.im-.plan-'ta--sh*n\ vt 1a: to fix or set securely 
   or deeply  1b: to set as permanent in the consciousness or habit patterns : 
   INCU LCATE 2: to insert in a living site (as for growth or formation of an 
   organic un ion)INFIX mean to introduce into the mind. IMPLANT implies 
   teaching that makes for permanence of what is taught; INCULCATE implies 
   persistent or repeated efforts to impress on the mind; INSTILL stresses 
   gradual, gentle imparting of knowledge over a long period of time; 
   INSEMINATE applies to a sowing of ideas in many minds so that they spread 
   through a class or nation; INFIX stresses firmly inculcating a habit of 
   thought - im.plan.ta.tion n SYN syn IMPLANT, INCULCATE, INSTILL, 
2. im.plant \'im-.plant\ n : something (as a graft or pellet) implanted in 