Webster's English Dictionary

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dis.hon.est \(')dis-'a:n-*st\ aj [ME, fr. MF deshoneste, fr. des- + honeste 
   honest] obs  1: SHAMEFUL, UNCHASTE  2: characterized by lack of truth, 
   honesty, or trustworthiness UNTRUTHFUL mean unworthy of trust or belief. 
   DISHONEST implies a willful perversion of truth in order to deceive, cheat, 
   or defraud; DECEITFUL usu. implies an intent to mislead and commonly 
   suggests a false appearance or double-dealing in behavior; MENDACIOUS is 
   less forthright than LYING and may suggest bland or even harmlessly 
   mischievous deceit; LYING implies a specific act or instance rather than a 
   habit or tendency of telling untruths; UNTRUTHFUL is a less brutal term 
   than LYING and in application to accounts or description may lack any 
   suggestion of fraudulent motive - dis.hon.est.ly av SYN syn DISHONEST,