Webster's English Dictionary

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1. halt \'ho.lt\ aj [ME, fr. OE healt; akin to OHG haiz lame, L clades 
   destructio]n, Gk klan to break : LAME 
2. halt vi 1: to walk or proceed lamely : LIMP  2: to stand in perplexity 
   or doubt between alternate courses : WAVER)M 3: to display weakness or 
   imperfection : FALTER 
3. halt n [G, fr. MHG, fr. halt, imper. of halten to hold, fr. OHG haltan)X 
   - more at HOLD : STOP 
4. halt vi 1: to cease marching or journeying  2: DISCONTINUE, TERMINATE  
   1: to bring to a stop  2: to cause the discontinuance of : END