Webster's English Dictionary

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1. limp \'limp\ vi [prob. fr. ME lympen to fall short; akin to OE limpan to 
   happen, L]limbus border, labi to slide - more at SLEEP 1a: to walk lamely; 
   esp : to walk favoring one leg  1b: to go unsteadily : FALTER  2: to 
   proceed slowly or with difficulty {~ed into harbor}  - limp.er n
2. limp n : a limping movement or gait 
3. limp aj [akin to 1limp] 1a: having no defined shape : SLACK  1b: not 
   stiff or rigid {~ bookbinding}  2a: DROOPING, EXHAUSTED  2b: lacking in 
   strength or firmness : SPIRITLESS SLEAZY mean wanting firmness in texture 
   or substance. LIMP implies a lack or loss of stiffness and a tendency to 
   droop; LOPPY applies to something hanging limply or sagging; FLACCID 
   implies a loss of power to keep or return to shape; FLABBY implies hanging 
   or sagging by its own weight as through loss of muscular tone; FLIMSY 
   suggests such looseness or lightness of structure as to be without value; 
   SLEAZY implies a flimsiness suggesting cheap or careless workmanship or 
   fraudulent manufacture - limp.ly av SYN syn LIMP, LOPPY, FLACCID, FLABBY,