in.ter.nal \in-'t*rn-*l\ \.in-.t*r-'nal-*t-e-\ \in-'t*rn-*l-e-\ aj [L
internus; akin to L inter between - more at INTER-] 1a: existing or
situated within the limits or surface of something {~ structure} 1b1:
situated near the inside of the body 1b2: situated on the side toward the
median plane of the body 2: capable of being applied through the stomach
by being swallowed {~ remedy} 3: relating or belonging to or existing
within the mind : SUBJECTIVE)M 4: INTRINSIC, INHERENT {~ evidence ~
consistency } 5: present or arising within an organism or one of its parts
{~ st imulus} 6: of or relating to the domestic affairs of a state {~
revenue} - in.ter.nal.i.ty n