Webster's English Dictionary

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1. calm \'ka:m, 'ka:lm\ n [ME calme, fr. MF, fr. OIt calma, fr. LL cauma 
   heat, fr. Gk (Xkauma, fr. kaiein to burn - more at CAUSTIC 1a: a period or 
   condition of freedom from storms, high winds, or rough acti vity of water 
   1b: complete absence of wind or presence of wind having a speed no greater  
   than one mile per hour 2: a state of repose and freedom from turmoil or 
2. calm aj 1: marked by calm : STILL  2: free from agitation, excitement, 
   or disturbanceM implies freedom from agitation of any sort often in the 
   face of danger or provocacation; TRANQUIL suggests a more settled or deeper 
   quietude or composure and lacks the implication of previous agitation or 
   activity; SERENE implies a lofty and unclouded tranquillity; PLACID implies 
   an undisturbed appearance and often suggests a degree of complacency; 
   PEACEFUL implies repose or attainment of tranquillity often in contrast 
   with or following strife or turmoil or bustle - calm.ly av SYN syn 
3. calm vi : to become calm to make calm