Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hog or hogg \'ho.g, 'ha:g\ n or hogs also hog [ME hogge, fr. OE hogg] pl 
    1: a domestic swine esp. when weighing more than 120 pounds; broadly  : 
   any of various animals (family Suidae) {wild ~s} usu  Brit  2: a young 
   unshorn sheep; also : wool from such a sheep  3: a selfish, gluttonous, or 
   filthy person 
2. hog vb or hogged;  or hog.ging 1: to cut (a horse's mane) short : ROACH  
   2: to cause to arch like the back of a hog  3: to take in excess of one's 
   due  : to become curved upward in the middle like a hog's back - used of a 
   s hip's bottom or keel