Webster's English Dictionary

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1. roach \'ro-ch\ n or roach also roach.es [ME roche, fr. MF] pl  1: a 
   silver-white European freshwater cyprinid fish (Rutilus rutilus)  with a 
   greenish back; also : any of various related fishes (as some shiners) 2: 
   any of several American freshwater sunfishes (family Centrarchidae) 
2. roach vt [origin unknown] 1: to cause to arch; specif : to brush (the 
   hair) in a roach - o ften used with up 2: to cut (as a horse's mane) so the 
   part left stands upright 
3. roach n 1: a curved cut in the edge of a sail to prevent chafing or 
   secure a better  fit 2: a roll of hair brushed straight back from the 
   forehead or side of the he ad
4. roach n : COCKROACH