Webster's English Dictionary

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im.pose \im-'po-z\ vb [MF imposer, fr. L imponere, lit., to put upon (perf. 
   indic. imp]osui), fr. in- + ponere to put - more at POSITION 1a: to 
   establish or apply as compulsory : LEVY {~ a tax}  1b: to make prevail by 
   force {imposed himself as their leader}  archaic  2a: PLACE, SET  2b: to 
   arrange (typeset or plated pages) in order for printing as a signat ure 3: 
   to palm off {~ fake antiques on the public}  4: OBTRUDE {~ oneself upon 
   others}  1: to take unwarranted advantage of something {imposed upon his go 
   od nature} 2: to practice deception {clever enough to ~ on the public}  - 
   im.pos.er n