Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. imposture             
1. fake \'fa-k\ vt [ME faken] : to coil in fakes 
2. fake n : one loop of a coil (as of ship's rope) coiled free for running 
3. fake \'fa--k(*-)re-\ vb [origin unknown] 1: to alter, manipulate, or 
   treat so as to impart a false character or app earance to 2: COUNTERFEIT, 
   SIMULATE  : to engage in faking : PRETEND  - fak.er n
4. fake n 1: COUNTERFEIT, IMITATION : as  1a: a worthless imitation passed 
   off as genuine  1b: IMPOSTOR, CHARLATAN  2: a device or apparatus used by a 
   magician to achieve the illusion of magi c in a trick
5. fake aj : COUNTERFEIT, SHAM