Webster's English Dictionary

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lead.er \'le-d-*r\ \-l*s\ \-.ship\ n 1: something that leads : as  1a: a 
   primary or terminal shoot of a plant  1b: TENDON, SINEW  pl  1c: dots or 
   hyphens (as in an index) used to lead the eye horizontally :  ELLIPSIS 
   chiefly Brit  1d: a newspaper editorial  1e1: something for guiding fish 
   into a trap  1e2: a short length of material for attaching the end of a 
   fishing line to  a lure or hook 1f: a pipe for conducting fluid  1g: an 
   article offered at an attractive special low price to stimulate busi ness 
   1h: something that ranks first  2: a person that leads : as  2a: GUIDE, 
   CONDUCTOR  2b1: a person who directs a military force or unit  2b2: a 
   person who has commanding authority or influence  2c1: the principal 
   officer of a British political party  2c2: a member chosen by his party to 
   manage party activities in a legislati ve body 2c3: such a member presiding 
   over the whole legislative body when his party  constitutes a majority 2c4: 
   one that exercises paramount but responsible authority over a state or  
   local party organization 2c5: the principal member of the party elite in a 
   totalitarian system endow ed by official ideology with a heroic or mystical 
   character, exercising governmental power with a minimum of formal 
   constitutional restraints, and characterized by extreme use of nationalist 
   demagogy and claims to be above narrow class or group interests 2d1: 
   CONDUCTOR  2d2: a first or principal performer of a group  3: a horse 
   placed in advance of the other horses horses of a team  4: STRAW BOSS, 
   FOREMAN  - lead.er.less aj