Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fragrance             
1. in.cense \'in-.sen(t)s\ n [ME encens, fr. OF, fr. LL incensum, fr. L, 
   neut. of incensus], pp. of incendere to set on fire, fr. in- + -cendere to 
   burn; akin to L cande-re to glow - more at CANDID 1: material used to 
   produce a fragrant odor when burned  2: the perfume exhaled from some 
   spices and gums when burned; broadly  : a pleasing scent 3: pleasing 
   attention : FLATTERY 
2. incense vt 1: to apply or offer incense to  2: to perfume with incense 
3. in.cense \in-'sen(t)s\ vt [ME encensen, fr. MF incenser, fr. L incensus] 
   obs  1: to inflame with a passion or emotion  2: to arouse the extreme 
   anger or indignation of