Webster's English Dictionary

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in.duce \in-'d(y)u:s\ \-'d(y)u:-s*-b*l\ vt [ME inducen, fr. L inducere, fr. 
   in- + ducere to lead -m more at TOW 1a: to lead on : move by persuasion or 
   influence  1b: to call forth or bring about by influence or stimulation  
   2a: EFFECT, CAUSE  2b: to cause the formation of  2c: to produce (as an 
   electric current) by induction  2d: to arouse by indirect stimulation {~ a 
   contrast color}  3: to determine by induction; specif : infer from 
   particulars M (upon) mean to move one to act or decide in a certain way. 
   INDUCE implies influencing the reason or judgment; PERSUADE suggests 
   appealing chiefly to the emotions; PREVAIL (on) or PREVAIL (upon) carries a 
   strong implication of overcoming opposition or reluctance by sustained 
   argument or entreaty - in.duc.er n SYN syn INDUCE, PERSUADE, PREVAIL (on),