1. lum.ber \'l*m-b*r\ \-b(*-)rin\ vi or [ME lomeren] : to move
heavily or clumsily; also : RUMBLE
2. lumber n [perh. fr. Lombard; fr. the use of pawnshops as storehouses of
disused pr]operty 1: surplus or disused articles (as furniture) that are
stored away 2a: timber or logs esp. when dressed for use 2b: any of
various structural materials prepared in a form similar to lumbe r - lumber
3. lumber \-b(*-)rin\ \-b*r-*r\ \-b*r-m*n\ vb or 1: to clutter
with or as if with lumber : ENCUMBER 2: to heap together in disorder 3:
to log and saw the timber of 1: to cut logs for lumber 2: to saw logs
into lumber for the market - n