Webster's English Dictionary

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1. rum.ble \'r*m-b*l\ \-b(*-)lin\ \-b(*-)l*r\ vb or rum.bling [ME rumblen; 
   akin to MHG rummeln to rumble] 1: to make a low heavy rolling sound  2: to 
   travel as or with a low reverberating sound  3: to speak in a low rolling 
   tone  1: to utter or emit in a low rolling voice  2: to polish or otherwise 
   treat (metal parts) in a tumbling barrel  - rum.bler n
2. rumble n 1: a low heavy continuous reverberating often muffled sound  2: 
   a seat for servants behind the body of a carriage  3: TUMBLING BARREL  4a: 
   widespread expression of dissatisfaction or unrest  slang  4b: a street 
   fight esp. among teenage gangs