Webster's English Dictionary

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1. man.u.al \'man-y*(-w*)l\ \-e-\ aj [ME manuel, fr. MF, fr. L manualis, 
   fr. manus hand; akin to O]E mund hand, Gk mare- 1a: of, relating to, or 
   involving the hands {~ dexterity}  1b: worked by hand {~ choke}  2: 
   requiring or using physical skill and energy {~ labor} {@ workers} - 
   man.u.al.ly av
2. manual n 1: a book capable of being conveniently handled; esp : 
   HANDBOOK)M 2: the prescribed movements in the handling of a weapon or other 
   military i tem during a drill or ceremony 3: a keyboard for the hands; 
   specif : one of the several keyboards  of a pipe-organ console that 
   controls a separate division of the instrument