Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. comfort               
1. con.sole \k*n-'so-l\ vt [F consoler, fr. consolari, fr. com- + solari to 
   consol]e : to alleviate the grief of 
2. con.sole \'ka:n-.so-l\ n [F, fr. MF, short for consolateur bracket in 
   human shape, lit., consoler,] fr. L consolator, fr. consolatus, ppl of 
   consolari 1: an architectural member projecting from a wall to form a 
   bracket or from  a keystone for ornament 2a: the desk from which an organ 
   is played and which contains the keyboards , pedal board, and other 
   controlling mechanisms 2b: a panel or cabinet on which are mounted dials, 
   switches, and other appa ratus used in centrally controlling electrical or 
   mechanical devices 3: a cabinet (as for a radio or television set) designed 
   to rest directly o n the floor