Webster's English Dictionary

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1. breed \'bre-d\ \'bred\ vb or bred;  or breed.ing [ME breden, fr. OE 
   bre-dan; akin to OE bro-d brood] 1: to produce (offspring) by hatching or 
   gestation  2a: BEGET  2b: PRODUCE, ENGENDER  3: to propagate sexually :  
   3a: to propagate (plants) by artificial pollination  3b: to improve (a 
   stock) by controlled propagation  3c: to develop (desired qualities) by 
   breeding  4a: to bring up : NURTURE  4b: to inculcate by training  5a: to 
   mate with : MATE, INSEMINATE  5b: IMPREGNATE  6: to produce (a fissionable 
   element) by bombarding a nonfissionable eleme nt with neutrons from a 
   radioactive element 1: to produce offspring by sexual union  2: to 
   propagate animals or plants  - breed.er n
2. breed n 1: a group of animals or plants presumably related by descent 
   from common a ncestors and visibly similar in most characters; esp : such a 
   group differentiated from the wild type under the influence of man 2: a 
   number of persons of the same stock  3: CLASS, KIND