Cross references:
1. element 2. planet \'m*r-ky*-re-, -k(*-)re-\ n [L Mercurius, Roman god and the
planet] [ME mecurie, fr. ML mercurius, fr. L, the god] often attrib cap
1a: a Roman god who serves as herald and messenger of the other gods and pr
esides over commerce, eloquence, cunning, and theft often cap, archaic 1b:
a bearer of messages or news or a conductor of travelers 2a: a heavy
silver-white univalent and bivalent poisonous metallic element that is
liquid at ordinary temperatures 2b: the mercury in a thermometer or
barometer cap 3: the planet nearest the sun 4: a poisonous European
plant (Mercurialis perennis) of the spurge fa mily