Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tra.verse \'tra-v*rs also -.v*rs, esp for 6 & 8 also tr*-', tra-'\ n [ME 
   travers, fr. MF traverse, fr. traverser to cross, fr. LL]transversare, fr. 
   L transversus, pp. of transvertere - more at TRANSVERSE 1: something that 
   crosses or lies across  2: OBSTACLE, ADVERSITY  3: a formal denial of a 
   matter of fact alleged by the opposite party in a l egal pleading 4a: a 
   compartment or recess formed by a partition, curtain, or screen  4b: a 
   gallery or loft of communication from side to side in a large buildin g 5: 
   a route or way across or over (as a zigzag course)  6: the act or an 
   instance of traversing : CROSSING  7: a protective projecting wall or bank 
   of earth in a trench  8a: a lateral movement (as of the saddle of a lathe 
   carriage); also :: a device for imparting such movement 8b: the lateral 
   movement of a gun about a pivot or on a carriage to change  direction of 
   fire 9: a line surveyed across a plot of ground 
2. tra.verse \tr*-'v*rs also tra-', 'tra-(.)\ vt 1a: to go against or act 
   in opposition to : OPPOSE, THWART  1b: to deny (as an allegation of fact or 
   an indictment) formally at law  2: to pass through : PENETRATE  3a: to go 
   or travel across or over  3b: to move along or through  4: to make a study 
   of : EXAMINE  5: to lie or extend across : CROSS {bridge ~s a rivu let} 6a: 
   to move to and fro over or along  6b: to ascend, descend, or cross (a slope 
   or gap) at an angle  6c: to move (a gun) to right or left on a pivot  7: to 
   make or carry out a traverse survey of  1: to move back and forth or from 
   side to side  2: to move or turn laterally : SWIVEL  3: to slide one's 
   blade in fencing toward the opponent's hilt  4: to climb or ski at an angle 
   or in a zigzag course  5: to make a traverse survey  - tra.vers.er n
3. tra.verse \'tra-(.)v*rs, tr*-', tra-'\ aj : lying across : TRANSVERSE