Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. copy                   2. ridicule              
1. mock \'ma:k, 'mo.k\ \-in-le-\ vb [ME mocken, fr. MF mocquer] 1: to treat 
   with contempt or ridicule : DERIDE  2: to disappoint the hopes of : DELUDE  
   3: DEFY, CHALLENGE  4a: IMITATE, MIMIC  4b: to mimic in sport or derision  
   : JEER, SCOFF  - mock.er n
2. mock n 1: an act of ridicule or derision : JEER  2: one that is an 
   object of derision or scorn  3: MOCKERY  4a: an act of imitation : MIMICRY  
   4b: something made as an imitation : COUNTERFEIT  - mock aj
3. mock av : in an insincere or counterfeit manner - usu. used in 
   combination {(Xmock-serious}