Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ac.count \*-'kau.nt\ n archaic  1: RECKONING, COMPUTATION  2a: a record 
   of debit and credit entries chronologically posted to a ledger page to 
   cover transactions involving a particular item or a particular person or 
   concern 2b: a statement of transactions during a fiscal period  3: a 
   collection of items to be balanced - usu. used in pl.  4: a statement of 
   explanation of one's conduct  5a: a periodically rendered reckoning listing 
   charged purchases and credits  5b: the patronage involved in establishing 
   or maintaining an account : MBUSINESS 6a: VALUE, IMPORTANCE  6b: ESTEEM, 
   JUDGMENT  7: PROFIT, ADVANTAGE  8a: a statement or exposition of reasons, 
   causes, grounds, or motives  8b: a reason giving rise to an action or other 
   result  8c: careful thought : CONSIDERATION  9: a statement of facts or 
   events : 6relation  10: HEARSAY, REPORT - usu. used in pl.  11: a sum of 
   money or its equivalent deposited in the common cash of a bank and subject 
   to withdrawal by the depositor : for the sake of : by reason of : because 
   of  - on account of 
2. account vb [ME accounten, fr. MF acompter, fr. a- (fr. L ad-) + Xcompter 
   to count 1: to give a report on  2: to think of as {~s himself lucky}  1: 
   to furnish a justifying analysis or explanation - used with for  2a: to be 
   the sole or primary factor - used with for  2b: to bring about the capture 
   or destruction of something {~ed  for two rabbits}