Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dog \'do.g\ \'do.-.gli-k\ n [ME, fr. OE docga] often attrib  1a: a 
   highly variable carnivorous domesticated mammal (Canis familiaris)X) prob. 
   descended from the common wolf; broadly : any animal of the dog family 
   (Canidae) to which this mammal belongs 1b: a male dog  2a: a worthless 
   fellow :  2b: CHAP, FELLOW {a gay ~}  3a: any of various usu. simple 
   mechanical devices for holding, gripping, or  fastening consisting of a 
   spike, rod, or bar 3b: ANDIRON  4a: SUN DOG  4b: WATER DOG  4c: FOGBOW  5: 
   affected stylishness or dignity  cap  6: either of the constellations Canis 
   Major or Canis Minor  pl, slang  7: FEET  slang  8: something inferior of 
   its kind  pl  9: RUIN {go to the ~s}  cap  10: any of various American 
   Indian peoples  - dog.like aj
2. dog vt or dogged;  or dog.ging 1a: to hunt or track like a hound  1b: to 
   worry as if by dogs : HOUND  2: to fasten with a dog 
3. dog av : EXTREMELY, UTTERLY {dog-tired} Dog \'do.g\  : - a 
   communications code word for the letter d