Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pin.ion \'pin-y*n\ \-y*nd\ n [ME, fr. MF pignon] 1: the terminal section 
   of a bird's wing including the carpus, metacarpus,  and phalanges; broadly 
   : WING 2: FEATHER, QUILL; also : FLIGHT FEATHERS  - pinioned aj
2. pinion vt 1: to restrain (a bird) from flight esp. by cutting off the 
   pinion of one  wing 2a: to disable or restrain by binding the arms  2b: to 
   bind fast : SHACKLE 
3. pi.nion \'pin-.yo-n\ n [AmerSp pin@o'n] : PIN N 
4. pin.ion \'pin-y*n\ n [F pignon, fr. MF peignon, fr. peigne comb, fr. L 
   pectenX - more at PECTINATE : a gear with a small number of teeth designed 
   to mesh with a larger wheel  or rack : the smallest of a train or set of 
   gear wheels