Webster's English Dictionary

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1. gear \'gi(*)r\ \-l*s\ n [ME gere, fr. OE gearwe; akin to OHG garuwi 
   equipment, clothi]ng, OE gearu ready - more at YARE 1a: CLOTHING, GARMENTS  
   1b: movable property : GOODS  2: EQUIPMENT, PARAPHERNALIA  3a: the rigging 
   of a ship or boat  3b: the harness esp. of horses  dial chiefly Brit  4: 
   absurd talk : NONSENSE  dial chiefly Brit  5: DOINGS  6a1: a mechanism that 
   performs a specific function in a complete machine (steering ~} 6a2: a 
   toothed wheel  6a3: working relation or adjustment {in ~}  6b: one of two 
   or more adjustments of a motor-vehicle transmission that det ermine 
   mechanical advantage, relative speed, and direction of travel - gear.less 
2. gear vt 1a: to provide with gearing  1b: to connect by gearing  1c: to 
   put into gear  2a: to make ready for effective operation  2b: to adjust so 
   as to match or blend with something  of machinery  1: to be in or come into 
   gear  2: to become adjusted so as to match or blend