Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. hamper                
1. shack.le \'shak-*l\ n [ME schakel, fr. OE sceacul; akin to ON sko:kull 
   pole of a c]art 1a: something (as a manacle or fetter) that confines the 
   legs or arms  1b: a hobble for a horse  2: something that checks or 
   prevents free action as if by fetters - usu.  used in pl. 3: any of various 
   devices for making something fast (as a clevis)  4: a length of cable or 
   anchor chain usu. 15 feet 
2. shackle \-(*-)lin\ \-(*-)l*r\ vt or shack.ling 1a: to bind with shackles 
   : FETTER  1b: to make fast with a shackle  2: to deprive of freedom esp. of 
   action by means of restrictions or handic aps : IMPEDE - shack.ler n