Webster's English Dictionary

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re.strain \ri-'stra-n\ \-'stra--n*-b*l\ \-n*d-le-\ \-'stra--n*r\ vt [ME 
   restraynen, fr. MF restraindre, fr. L restringere to rest]rain, restrict, 
   fr. re- + stringere to bind tight - more at STRAIN 1a1: to prevent from 
   doing something  1a2: CURB, REPRESS {~ anger}  1b: to limit, restrict, or 
   keep under control  2: to moderate or limit the force, effect, development, 
   or full exercise o f {~ trade} 3: to deprive of liberty; esp : to place 
   under arrest or restraint ng back by force or persuasion from acting or 
   from going to extremes; CHECK implies restraining or impeding a progress, 
   activity, or impetus; CURB suggests a quick and drastic checking; BRIDLE 
   implies keeping under control by subduing or holding in - re.strain.able aj 
   SYN syn CHECK, CURB, BRIDLE: RESTRAIN suggests holdi