Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. deep                  
1. pro.found \pr*-'fau.nd, pro--\ \-'fau.n-(d)le-\ \-'fau.n(d)-n*s\ aj [ME, 
   fr. MF profond deep, fr. L profundus, fr. pro- before +]fundus bottom - 
   more at PRO-, BOTTOM 1a: having intellectual depth and insight  1b: 
   difficult to fathom or understand  2a: extending far below the surface  2b: 
   coming from, reaching to, or situated at a depth : DEEP-SEATED  {~ sigh} 
   3a: characterized by intensity of feeling or quality  3b: all encompassing 
   : COMPLETE {~ sleep}  - pro.found.ly av
2. profound n : something that is very deep; specif : the deeps of the sea