Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. rescue                
re.deem \ri-'de-m\ \-'de--m*-b*l\ vt [ME redemen, modif. of MF redimer, fr. 
   L redimere, fr. re-], red- re- + emere to take, buy; akin to Lith imti to 
   take 1a: to buy back : REPURCHASE  1b: to get or win back  2a: to liberate 
   by payment : RANSOM  2b: to free by force : LIBERATE  2c: to release from 
   blame or debt : CLEAR  2d: to free from the bondage of sin  3: to change 
   for the better : REFORM  4a: REPAIR, RESTORE  archaic  4b: RECLAIM  5a: to 
   free from a lien by payment of an amount secured thereby  5b 1: to remove 
   the obligation of by payment  5b 2: to convert (as certificates) into cash  
   5c: to make good : FULFILL  6a: to atone for : EXPIATE  6b1: to offset the 
   bad effect of  6b2: to make worthwhile : RETRIEVE  - re.deem.able aj