Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cash \'kash\ n [MF or OIt; MF casse money box, fr. OIt cassa, fr. L 
   capsa ch]est - more at CASE 1: ready money  2: money or its equivalent paid 
   promptly after purchasing 
2. cash vt : to pay or obtain cash for {~ a check} 
3. cash n or cash [Pg caixa, fr. Tamil ka-cu, a small copper coin, fr. Skt 
   kars] pl a, a weight of gold or silver; akin to OPer karsha-, a weight 1: 
   any of various coins of small value in China and southern India; esp)X : a 
   Chinese coin usu. of copper alloy that has a square hole in the center 2: a 
   unit of value equivalent to one cash