Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. transform             
1. con.vert \k*n-'v*rt\ vb [ME converten, fr. OF convertir, fr. L 
   convertere, to turn ar]ound, transform, convert, fr. com- + vertere to turn 
   - more at WORTH 1a: to bring over from one belief, view, or party to 
   another  1b: to bring about a religious conversion in  2a: to alter the 
   physical or chemical nature or properties of esp. in manu facturing b 2a1: 
   to change from one form or function to another  2a2: to alter for more 
   effective utilization  2a3: to appropriate without right  2c: to exchange 
   for an equivalent  obs  3: TURN  4: to subject to logical conversion  1: to 
   undergo conversion  2: to make good on a try for point after touchdown or 
   on a free throw 
2. con.vert \'ka:n-.v*rt\ n : one that is converted; esp : one who has 
   experienced conversion  ed, belief, or opinion to a different one. CONVERT 
   implies a change toward the belief or opinion of the user of the word, 
   PROSELYTE a change away from it; CONVERT therefore suggests sincere and 
   voluntary change or acceptance, PROSELYTE suggest the effect of persuasion 
   or special inducement SYN syn CONVERT, PROSELYTE mean one who has changed 
   from one cre