Webster's English Dictionary

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re.ly \ri-'li-\ vi [ME relien to rally, fr. MF relier to connect, rally, 
   fr. L reli]gare to tie back, fr. re- + ligare to tie - more at LIGATURE 1: 
   to have confidence : TRUST  2: to be dependent : COUNT n to place full 
   confidence. RELY (on or upon) implies a judgment based on experience or 
   association; TRUST (in or to) implies assurance based on faith that another 
   will not fail one; DEPEND (on or upon) suggests a resting confidently for 
   support or assistance; COUNT (on) and RECKON (on) imply a taking into one's 
   calculations as certain or assured SYN syn RELY, TRUST, DEPEND, COUNT, 
   RECKON mea