Webster's English Dictionary

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ab.jure \ab-'ju.(*)r\ vt [ME abjuren, fr. MF or L; MF abjurer, fr. L 
   abjurare, fr. ]ab- + jurare to swear - more at JURY 1a: to renounce upon 
   oath  1b: to reject solemnly : RECANT  2: to abstain from : AVOID CT mean 
   to withdraw a vow or given word. ABJURE implies a firm and final rejecting 
   or abandoning often made under oath; RENOUNCE often equals ABJURE but may 
   carry the meaning of disclaim or disown; FORSWEAR may add to ABJURE an 
   implication of perjury or betrayal; RECANT stresses the withdrawing or 
   denying of something professed or taught; RETRACT applies to the 
   withdrawing of a promise, an offer, or an accusation - ab.jur.er n SYN syn