Webster's English Dictionary

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1. suit \'su:t\ n [ME siute act of following, retinue, sequence, set, fr. 
   OF, act of follow]ing, retinue, fr. suir to follow, fr. (assumed) VL 
   sequitus, pp. of sequere to follow - more at SUE archaic  1: SUITE  2a: 
   recourse or appeal to a feudal superior for justice or redress  2b: an 
   action or process in a court for the recovery of a right or claim  3: an 
   act or instance of suing or seeking by entreaty : APPEAL;  specif : 
   COURTSHIP 4: SUITE - used chiefly of armor, sails, and counters in games  
   5: a set of garments : as  5a: an outer costume of two or more pieces  5b: 
   a costume to be worn for a special purpose or under particular conditio ns 
   {gym ~} {space ~} 6a: all the cards in a pack bearing the same pip  6b: all 
   the dominoes bearing the same number 
2. suit vi 1: ACCORD, AGREE {position ~s with his abilities } 2: to be 
   appropriate or satisfactory  1: to outfit with clothes : DRESS  2: 
   ACCOMMODATE, ADAPT {~ the action to the word}  3a: to be proper for : BEFIT 
    3b: to be becoming to  4: to meet the needs or desires of : PLEASE {~s me 
   f ine}