Webster's English Dictionary

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1. card \'ka:rd\ vt : to cleanse, disentangle, and collect together (as 
   fibers) by the use of  a card preparatory to spinning - card.er n
2. card n [ME carde, fr. MF, fr. LL cardus thistle, fr. L carduus] 1: an 
   implement for raising a nap on cloth  2: an instrument or machine for 
   carding fibers consisting usu. of bent wire  teeth set closely in rows in a 
   thick piece of leather fastened to a back
3. card n [ME carde, modif. of MF carte, prob. fr. OIt carta, lit., lea]f 
   of paper, fr. L charta leaf of papyrus, fr. Gk charte-s 1: PLAYING CARD  pl 
   but sing or pl in constr  2a: a game played with cards  2b: card playing  
   3: something compared to a valuable playing card in one's hand  4: a usu. 
   clownishly amusing person : WAG  5: COMPASS CARD  6a: a flat stiff usu. 
   small and rectangular piece of paper or thin paperboa rd as 6a1: POSTCARD  
   6a2: VISITING CARD  6b: PROGRAM; esp : a sports program  6c1: a wine list  
   6c2: MENU 
4. card vt 1: to place or fasten on or by means of a card  2: to provide 
   with a card  3: to list or record on a card  4: SCORE