Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ro.tate \'ro--.ta-t\ aj [L rota] : having the parts flat and spreading 
   or radiating like the spokes of a w heel {~ blue flowers}
2. rotate vb [L rotatus, pp. of rotare, fr. rota wheel - more at ROLL] 1: 
   to turn about an axis or a center : REVOLVE; specif : t o move in such a 
   way that all particles follow circles with a common angular velocity about 
   a common axis 2: to perform an act, function, or operation in turn  1: to 
   cause to turn about an axis or a center : REVOLVE  2: to cause to grow in 
   rotation  3: to cause to pass or act in a series : ALTERNATE  4: to 
   exchange (individuals or units) with other personnel