Webster's English Dictionary

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1. roar \'ro-(*)r, 'ro.(*)r\ vb [ME roren, fr. OE ra-rian; akin to OHG 
   re-re-n to bl]eat, Skt ra-yati he barks 1a: to utter or emit a full loud 
   prolonged sound  1b: to sing or shout with full force  2a: to make or emit 
   a loud confused sound  2b: to laugh loudly  3: to be boisterous or 
   disorderly  4: to make a loud noise in breathing (as horses afflicted with 
   roaring)  1: to utter or proclaim with a roar  2: to cause to roar 
2. roar n 1: the deep cry of a wild beast  2: a loud deep cry (as of pain 
   or anger)  3: a loud continuous confused sound  4: a boisterous outcry