Webster's English Dictionary

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1. rut \'r*t\ n [ME rutte, fr. MF rut roar, fr. LL rugitus, fr. L 
   rugitus)X, pp. of rugire to roar; akin to OE re-oc wild, MIr rucht roar 1: 
   an annually recurrent state of sexual excitement in the male deer; br oadly 
   : sexual excitement in a mammal esp. when periodic : ESTRUS, HEAT 2: the 
   period during which rut normally occurs - often used with theX
2. rut vi or rut.ted;  or rut.ting : to be in or enter into a state of rut 
3. rut n [perh. modif. of MF route way, route] 1a: a track worn by a wheel 
   or by habitual passage  1b: a groove in which something runs  1c: CHANNEL, 
   FURROW  2: a usual or fixed practice : a regular course; esp : a monotono 
   us routine {fall easily into a conversational ~}
4. rut vt or rut.ted;  or rut.ting : to make a rut in : FURROW