Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. taste                 
1. sa.vor \'sa--v*r\ \'sa-v-(*-)r*s\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L sapor; akin to L 
   sapere to taste - more at ]SAGE 1: the taste or smell of something  2: a 
   particular flavor or smell  3: a distinctive quality : SMACK  - sa.vor.ous 
2. savor \'sa-v-(*-)rin\ \'sa--v*r-*r\ vb or sa.vor.ing : to have a 
   specified smell or quality : SMACK  1: to give flavor to : SEASON  2a: to 
   have experience of : TASTE  2b: to taste or smell with pleasure : RELISH  
   2c: to delight in : ENJOY  - sa.vor.er n