Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. taste                 
1. smack \'smak\ n [ME, fr. OE smc; akin to OHG smac taste, Lith 
   smaguriau]ti to nibble 1: characteristic taste or flavor; also : a 
   perceptible taste or ti ncture 2: a small quantity 
2. smack vi 1: to have a taste or flavor  2: to have a trace, vestige, or 
   suggestion {a proposal that ~s)X of treason}
3. smack vb [akin to MD smacken to strike] 1: to close and open (lips) 
   noisily and in rapid succession esp. in eating  2a: to kiss with or as if 
   with a smack  2b: to strike so as to produce a smack  : to make or give a 
4. smack n 1: a quick sharp noise made by rapidly compressing and opening 
   the lips  2: a loud kiss : BUSS  3: a sharp slap or blow 
5. smack av : squarely and sharply : DIRECTLY 
6. smack n [D smak or LG smack] : a sailing ship (as a sloop or cutter) 
   used chiefly in coasting and fishi ng