Webster's English Dictionary

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scram.ble \'skram-b*l\ \-b(*-)lin\ \-b(*-)l*r\ vb or scram.bling [perh. 
   alter. of 1scrabble] 1a: to move or climb hastily on all fours  1b: to move 
   with urgency or panic  2a: to struggle eagerly or unceremoniously for 
   possession of something { ~ for front seats} 2b: to get or gather something 
   with difficulty or in irregular ways  3a: SPRAWL, STRAGGLE  of a plant  3b: 
   to climb over a support  4: to take off quickly in response to an alert  1: 
   to collect by scrambling  2a: to toss or mix together : JUMBLE  2b: to 
   prepare (eggs) by stirring during frying  3: to cause or order (a 
   fighter-interceptor group) to scramble  - scramble n