Cross references:
1. fear
1. pan.ic \'pan-ik\ aj [F panique, fr. Gk panikos, lit., of Pan, fr. Pan]
1: of, relating to, or resembling the mental or emotional state believed i
nduced by the god Pan {~ fear} 2: of, relating to, or arising from a panic
3: of or relating to the god Pan
2. panic \-.strik-*n\ \'pan-i-ke-\ n 1: a sudden overpowering fright; esp :
a sudden unreasoning terror often accompanied by mass flight 2: a sudden
widespread fright concerning financial affairs and resulting in a
depression in values caused by violent measures for protection of
securities or other property slang 3: something very funny -
pan.ic-strick.en aj
3. panic \-ikt\ vt or pan.icked; or 1: to affect with panic
2: to produce demonstrative appreciation on the part of {~ an audi ence
with a gag}