Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. strange               
1. sin.gu.lar \'sin-gy*-l*r\ aj [ME singuler, fr. MF, fr. L singularis, fr. 
   singulus only one] - more at SINGLE 1a: of or relating to a separate person 
   or thing : INDIVIDUAL  1b: of, relating to, or being a word form denoting 
   one person, thing, or i nstance 1c: of or relating to a single instance or 
   to something considered by itse lf 2: distinguished by superiority : 
   EXCEPTIONAL  3: of unusual quality : UNIQUE  4: being at variance with 
   others : DIFFERING  - sin.gu.lar.ly av
2. singular n 1: the singular number, the inflectional form denoting it, or 
   a word in tha t form 2: a singular term or proposition