Webster's English Dictionary

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1. slash \'slash\ vb [ME slaschen] 1: to cut with rough sweeping strokes  
   2: CANE, LASH  3: to cut slits in (as a garment) so as to reveal a color 
   beneath  4: to criticize cuttingly  5: to reduce sharply : CUT  : to cut 
   recklessly or savagely with or as if with an edged blade  - slash.er n
2. slash n 1: the act of slashing; also : a long cut or stroke made by 
   slashin g 2: an ornamental slit in a garment  3: an open tract in a forest 
   strewn with debris (as from logging); also)X : the debris in such a tract
3. slash n [prob. alter. of plash (marshy pool)] : a low swampy area often 
   overgrown with brush