Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. encounter             
1. brush \'br*sh\ n [ME brusch, fr. MF broce] 1: BRUSHWOOD  2a: scrub 
   vegetation  2b: land covered with scrub vegetation 
2. brush n [ME brusshe, fr. MF broisse, fr. OF broce] 1: a device composed 
   of bristles set into a handle and used esp. for sweepi ng, scrubbing, or 
   painting 2: something resembling a brush : as  2a: a bushy tail  2b: a 
   feather tuft worn on a hat  3a: an electrical conductor made of copper 
   strips or a block of carbon that  makes sliding contact between a 
   stationary and a moving part of a generator or a motor 3b: BRUSH DISCHARGE  
   4a: an act of brushing  4b: a quick light touch or momentary contact 
3. brush vt 1a: to apply a brush to  1b: to apply with a brush  2a: to 
   remove with or as if with a brush  2b: to dispose of in an offhand way : 
   DISMISS {~ed h im off} 3: to pass lightly over or across : touch gently 
   against in passing  : to move heedlessly past someone  - brush.er n
4. brush vi [ME bruschen to rush, fr. MF brosser to dash through 
   underbrush, fr]. broce : to move so lightly as to be scarcely perceptible 
5. brush n [ME brusche rush, hostile collision, fr. bruschen] : a brief 
   encounter or skirmish