Webster's English Dictionary

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1. spout \'spau.t\ vb [ME spouten; akin to MD spoiten to spout, OE spi-wan 
   to sp]ew 1: to eject (as liquid) in a stream  2a: to speak or utter 
   rapidly, volubly, and at length  2b: DECLAIM  1: to issue with force or in 
   a jet : SPURT  2: to eject material (as liquid) in a jet  3: DECLAIM  - 
   spout.er n
2. spout n 1: a pipe or conductor through which a liquid is discharged or 
   conveyed in  a stream : as 1a: a pipe for carrying rainwater from a roof  
   1b: a projecting tube or lip from which water issues  2: a discharge or jet 
   of liquid from or as if from a pipe; esp : MWATERSPOUT archaic  3: PAWNSHOP