Webster's English Dictionary

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1. jet \'jet\ n [ME, fr. MF jaiet, fr. L gagates, fr. Gk gagate-s, fr. 
   ]Gagas, town and river in Asia Minor 1: a compact velvet-black mineral 
   similar to coal that takes a good polish  and is often used for jewelry 2: 
   a very dark black 
2. jet vb or jet.ted;  or jet.ting [MF jeter, lit., to throw, fr. L jactare 
   to throw, fr. jactus], pp. of jacere to throw; akin to Gk hienai to send : 
   to spout forth : GUSH  : to emit in a stream : SPOUT 
3. jet n 1a: a forceful rush of liquid, gas, or vapor through a narrow 
   opening or a  nozzle 1b: a nozzle for a jet of gas, water, or other fluid  
   2: something issuing in or as if in a jet