Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. free                   2. perform               
1. dis.charge \dis(h)-'cha:rj, 'dis(h)-.\ \-*-b*l\ \(.)dis(h)-.cha:r-'je-\ 
   \dis(h)-'cha:r-j*r, 'dis(h)-.\ vb [ME dischargen, fr. MF descharger, fr. LL 
   discarricare, fr. L] dis- + LL carricare to load 1: to relieve of a charge, 
   load, or burden :  1a: UNLOAD  1b: to release from an obligation  2a: to 
   let go : clear out  2b: SHOOT {~ an arrow}  2c: to release from 
   confinement, custody, or care {~ a prisoner}  2d: to give outlet or vent to 
   : EMIT  3a1: to dismiss from employment  3a2: to release from serivce or 
   duty {~ a soldier}  3b: to get rid of (as a debt) by paying : FULFILL  3c: 
   to set aside : ANNUL  3d: to order (a legislative committee) to end 
   consideration of a bill in o rder to bring it before the house for action 
   4a: to receive and distribute (as the weight of a wall above an opening)  
   4b: to relieve from the weight of a wall  5: to bleach out or remove (color 
   or dye) in dyeing and printing textiles  6: to cancel the record of the 
   loan of (a library book) upon return  1: to throw off or deliver a load, 
   charge, or burden  2a: to go off : FIRE  2b: RUN {some dyes ~}  2c: to emit 
   or give vent to fluid or other contents  - dis.charge.able aj
2. dis.charge \'dis(h)-.cha:rj, dis(h)-'\ n 1a: the act of relieving of 
   something that oppresses : RELEASE  1b: something that discharges or 
   releases; esp : a certification of  release or payment 2: the state or fact 
   of being discharged or relieved  3: the act of discharging or unloading  4: 
   legal release from confinement  5: a firing off  6a: a flowing or issuing 
   out; also : a rate of flow  6b: something that is emitted  7: the act of 
   removing an obligation or liability  8a: release or dismissal esp. from an 
   office or employment  8b: complete separation from military service  9: the 
   equalization of a difference of electric potential between two point s