Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. task                  
1. stint \'stint\ vb [ME stinten, fr. OE styntan to blunt, dull; akin to ON 
   stuttr] scant, L tundere to beat, OE stocc stock archaic  1: to put an end 
   to : STOP  2a: to restrain within certain limits : CONFINE  2b: to restrict 
   with respect to a share or allowance  3: to assign a task to (a person)  
   archaic  1: STOP, DESIST  2: to be sparing or frugal  - stint.er n
2. stint n 1: RESTRAINT, LIMITATION  2: a definite quantity of work 
3. stint n or stints also stint [ME stynte] pl  : any of several small 