1. su.ture \'su:-ch*r\ n [MF & L; MF, fr. L sutura seam, suture, fr. sutus,
pp. of suere)X to sew - more at SEW 1a: a strand or fiber used to sew parts
of the living body 1b: a stitch made with a suture 1c: the act or process
of sewing with sutures 2a: a uniting of parts 2b: the seam or seamlike
line along which two things or parts are sewed or united 3a: the line of
union in an immovable articulation (as between the bones of the skull);
also : such an articulation 3b: a furrow at the junction of adjacent bodily
parts; esp : a line of dehiscence (as on a fruit)
2. suture \'su:ch-(*-)rin\ vt or : to unite, close, or secure
with sutures {~ a wound}